Each year, one member from each District is chosen to represent the District as a LEADS candidate for the year. What is LEADS, and what does it mean for our District to have a LEADS candidate?
LEADS stands for Leadership, Education, And Development Seminar. Each year, at a CFWC State Board Meeting there is a two-day LEADS training program for the LEADS candidates chosen from each District. Only one member from each District will represent the District. Yes, it is a competitive thing.
This year, I am asking each of our Clubs to choose one member who they feel is a leader within their club and who they feel would represent our District as a future leader. Now when you are looking at your people, you do not have to think only that they must go on to positions within the CFWC or GFWC ranks. Think of positions in your Club or within our District. Will this member be someone who may be a Board member? Or a VP? Or even a Club President one day? It may not be tomorrow…but maybe down the line. Someday, this member may like to be a District Board member or even a District President!
This training that our candidate would receive tells them about CFWC and GFWC as well as what it takes to become a leader in the Federation. You may know a group of us who have gone through this training. And whether or not you do move up the ladder, the training is fabulous! And attending a State Board meeting is a wonderful opportunity.
The District has a budget to cover the hotel, travel and meals for our LEADS candidate!
If you would like to know more general details about this program, visit:
In the meantime, contact me if you feel you are ready for this challenge. YOU might be our next candidate! If there is more than one candidate in your club, that’s okay too!
The LEADS application is now “fillable”:
The District deadline for applications to be received is DECEMBER 1, 2025. Please send the application form to Sonja Hults at cfwcsonjahults@gmail.com. The District Executive Committee will select ONE member from Palomar District to attend the CFWC Leadership Education and Development Seminar (LEADS) – and we need YOUR club leaders’ names!
The District President will send the application for the LEADS candidate from Palomar District to Vicki Holden, CFWC Leadership Chairman. Questions may be directed to Vicki at cfwcleadership@gmail.com or by calling (562) 305-5759.